Children's Arts & Science Workshops, Inc.

The Comprehensive Afterschool System of NYC (COMPASS) formerly known as the Out-of-School Time (OST) Program is comprised of over 890 programs serving young people enrolled in grades K-12. Through its network of providers, COMPASS offers high quality programs that have a strong balance of academics, recreation, enrichment, and cultural activities to support and strengthen the overall development of youth. COMPASS aims to help young people build skills to support their academic achievement, raise their confidence and cultivate their leadership skills through service learning and other civic engagement opportunities. Programs are offered at no cost to youth and are purposefully located in public and private schools, community centers, religious institutions, public housing and parks recreational facilities throughout the City both to leverage the use of public spaces but also to help youth find a place that best fits their needs. With the Middle School Expansion, COMPASS after school programs now have presence in virtually every middle school throughout the five boroughs. CASW currently operates three COMPASS programs throughout the year at PS 18, PS 115, and PS 37. Programs are expanded to middle school for certain programs during the summer.